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Playground Swing Bay & Slide Matting

Playground Swing Bay and Slide Matting is Economical and Requires Less Maintenance On High-Traffic areas.

ADA & Mass 521 CMR Complaint Rubber and EWF Playground Surfacing.

Common Sizes for One Swing Bay (2 Swings)
  • 10 ft x 10 ft
  • 10 ft x 13 ft
  • 10 ft x 16 ft
  • 10 ft x 20 ft
  • 10 ft x 23 ft
Common Sizes for Slides Exits
  • 5ft x 6 ft
  • 5ft x 9 ft
Assembly and Installation Readily Available

The Swing and Slide Mats can be Quickly Installed and Meets ADA Wheelchair Accessibility Guidelines for a Firm, Stable, Slip Resistant, Permanent Surface.

Unitary Rubber Playground Swing Bay & Slide Matting Can Be Quickly Installed and Meet ADA Wheelchair Accessibility Guidelines

For more information, call 860-309-9901 or email us today!